Sunday 27 February 2011


crevice, scavevnge, tingling


food, conversing, calm


  waiting room, thinking , grounded


A butterfly i found in greece...


'The Ring House' designed by Makoto Takei is a piece of japanese architecture which i find highly appealing due to it's ability to draw in the surrounding forrest with uniterupted 360 degree views. The 'Rings' around the building conceal spaces of privacy and/or utilities allowing for glass to be spread liberally in between. I also find japanese arhictecutre such as this appealing as i studied it for the majority of my schooling.  


A small bedside table / coffee table i designed and constructed in yr 10. It was a designed to flat pack, meaning, the table fitted together like a puzzle so that it could be constructed and deconstrcuted with easy allowing for greater portability and storage. It was designed according to the golden mean and in the art nouveau style.