Tuesday 24 May 2011

Gaga Elevator development

Elevator Ride


2 Point Perspective

stand, modest, reculsive

vexed, breach, horizon

layer, stagger, melt

magnitude, understand, realisation

penetrate, together, unity

dangle, reverse, closed


Gaga taking over the world
Gaga's outlandish pop persona is really quite traditional, contrary to what some people might think. However, latley, Gaga seems to be as ubiquitous as ever lately since her fans have been suffering severe anxiety. Therefore she plans on a slight career change.  It is reported that Gaga is infact ‘taking over the reigns’ from Oprah Winfrey herself.  Winfrey's exit will undoubtedly leave a hole in daytime TV and, since she announced her departure, speculation has centered on who might be "the next Oprah"….the fact is Gaga is the next Oprah. “Luckily, Winfrey is taking my advice and retiring from tv to become a sex doctor” explains Gaga “and I can claim my  23,000-square-foot Georgian-style mansion, strolling through the rose garden and lilac fields, meditating in the tea house cut from stone mined on the property, gazing out at the Pacific. Maybe I'd finally even have time to make some TV, after so many years of pop stardom.” Four new Gaga talk shows have been announced for June, with more in the pipeline.
Also on Gaga’s Agenda…..
Few Westerners have ever seen the forging of a Japanese samurai sword, however, Gaga and Ive’s are among them. With this esoteric enlighenment, Gaga feels compelled to create a merger between ives and her company to form the world’s greatest and biggest company surpassing that of Microsoft. ‘I often joke that my tombstone will say, “The Guy Who Hired Jonathan Ive”,’ says Gaga. Gaga has hinted that the new suepr company is working on one of their most important pieces. A hand-picked team of a dozen designers and researchers are working around the clock seeking crucial knowledge that can help to make the worlds thinnest wig for gaga. It seems, that there is no stoping gaga’s monster of fabulous success. 

One point Perspective

sensible, uplift, through

curious, straight, soar

logic, progressive, function

slide, confront, distant

grounded, interlock, reach

expressive, alternate, lure