Sunday 23 October 2011

Montage it!

The 'Montage it' workshop was a unique experience. Whilst being perhaps the least relevant to the rest of the architecture course, it demonstrated to us another unique and interesting tool for visualisation. Additionally, it combined elements from both previous components and tied it into one final work through the use of Photoshop. Seeing as Photoshop would allow us to import an object into a real life setting i took it as an opportunity to create an unconventional form. i played with the form on two scales and with two opposing functions (a public pavilion , and megalomanic stage)

Draw it!

The 'Draw it' workshop was by far the most satisfying and interesting of the three components. Producing finely detailed renders and sharply drawn visualisations for me was both enjoyable and useful in further refining prior drawing skills, aesthetics, and understanding rendering.

In my drawings i aimed for a simple and sharply defined theme that played with strong shadows and fine lines.

Model it!

The 'model it' workshop for me personally was the most difficult component of the course. however, in saying this it was definitely the most useful in boosting my modelling abilities and providing me with the skills to produce models and tangible communications across all 4 of my subjects.