Saturday 30 April 2011

Final Crysis

Shot showing the cove environemnt I made for the 10 prisms

crimson sunset

Top view showing bridge(meeting point)

Shot demonstrating how newtons prisms frame the sunset

shot from Freuds lab

Shot from roof of freuds lab

View from newtons lab

How this ultimately links to my electro liquid hypothesis is through this notion of 2 spaces. Whilst newtons lab is structured and ordered it is shrowded in shadow conveying a somber mood which permeates the hypothesis of the breakdown of society. Considering this, the bridge from newtons lab to freuds is emblematic of retreating to an idyllic place away from rigid structure and problems of society much like how (as stated in my hypothesis) humans often choose to escape from real problems to places of happiness. However, finally, if we consider the view looking from freud's lab to newtons lab, the sunset is framed, emblematic of how perhaps if one stands away from their problems and considers it from a new point of view in a different state of mind the answer becomes clear.

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