Tuesday 14 June 2011

Final Crysis

Establishing shot of my bridge, labs and meeting point. The idea of power was explored in my design through the contrast of each of the client's (Ives and Gaga's) spaces. Each space directly reflected the clients 'type' of power and projected it directly toward the other.

 Gaga's Space was one of megalomanic scale and eccentric design, two notions which i belive can be identified in her persona. The Use of the shards petruding from the water to suspend her precarious space reflects the fine balance between danger and refinment, showing how 'on the edge' her work is.
 Coversely, Ives' lab is one of simple refinment. That is not to say that it projects little image of power, quite the opposite. Through its rigidity, simplcity and refinment, ives' lab understands what it is and projects this directly back at gaga's space. Additionally, in considering designs from apple (ipad, ipod etc.), i attempted to emulate them (to an extent) in ives' space.
 Simple forms of Ives' Lab
 Gaga's circular space being suspended by the megalomanic shards
 Whilst the bridge and each of the clients spaces are suspended or balanced precariously above the sheer cliffs and ocean, the meeting space is partially submerged and bedded into the ocean floor. The symbolism behind this design choice is to demonstrate that ( whilst each client being powerful, rich, successful and famous )  they can still be grounded and literally down to earth. Furthermore, this meeting space was intended to be detatched from the bridge so that each client could take a step back and escape the clatter of the world stage. The design of the meeting space is intended to be hybrid of both gaga's and ives' spaces, whilst being expressive and playful in its flow, it remains refined and quite simple encapsulating both ives and gaga.
 View from gaga's space.
 View from Ives' space

 Birds eye of entire structure. Aids in comprehending the valley and the design of the bridge.
 Ives' Elevator. Ive's Elevator was constructed out of the T-sections drawn in the early stages of the project. Much like his space, it is rigid and simple.
 Landing of Ive's elevator.
 The Table. The table rather than being of grand proporiton was scaled right down rendering it more of a tea table. I decided to do this for 2 reasons. Firstly, having such a grand scale in the design/structure of the bridge and each space i felt it almost necessary to provide a quaint table that was detatched and down to earth (much like the whole meeting space). Secondly, in providing a small tea table as opposed to a large dining or board room table the clients are able to converse, relax and engaged in relaxed intimate discussion before returning to the hype of the bridge and their spaces. Notable is that the table is also an adaptation of the entire meeting space, this was a purpose choice to provide some stability and conitnuity in design.

 Gaga's elevator. Gaga's Elevator, unlike Ives' is one of loud expression and flow. To use the elevator, one must step into it and become completely encapsulated by its form (much like gaga and her egg).
 Ride down to meeting space.
 In being such a large element in my design, water shots were taken below the bridge.

 Under the bridge, gaga's lab.
Under the Bridge, Ives' Lab

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